Friday, November 14, 2008

From the mouths of babies ....

So, here is something interesting. And, unlike the previous one, this actually relates to online teaching and learning :-)

Students in my intro class have to blog about something from the class discussions that made them think about for a little more. Well, the topic that we covered in class this week was globalization, and outsourcing. The following is what one student has posted: (Yes, students can address me by my first name if they choose to.) Note her remarks on online classes.

Perhaps the worry that eventually their jobs might be on the line is also an unstated reason for faculty to oppose expansion of online teaching and learning? But, if that is even remotely a point, then all we have to do is look across the industry and see what is happening with the automakers, right? Not being flexible enough to adapt to changes is now threatening the very existence of General Motors, whose CEO once reportedly uttered, "what is good for GM is good for America" ....

outsourcing: when will it stop?
I am not sure how Sriram says that teaching a a job that will not be outsourced, it already has been. I, myself have taken classes online with teachers across the country. I didn't like it very much, so I will not do again, but I know many of people who do like it and have taken alot. It is not like nobody has heard of it either, because universities are constantly advertising online. If something like teaching can be outsourced, where will outsourcing stop? I can just imagine our world turning into something like what was portrayed in the movie Wall-E, where humans don't have to physically do anything anymore. We will eventually advance technology enough that we can do everything from a computer and it won't matter where we actually are at all.

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