Sunday, March 15, 2009

Easier for students to give feedback in online classes?

There are times when I wonder if the academic life is worth it. Hey, I am human with feelings!
The neat thing with online classes is that unlike "regular" students, many of the online students email their appreciation at the end of the term, which then pumps me up for the following term :-)

Very rarely do the regular students ever walk up to me at the end of the term to say that they liked the class, or my teaching, or .... There was one student who included a poem along with her final exam answers, which I thought was way too cool.
Since I started using Meebo, every once in a while I would get student feedback as an IM. I saved some of those as screenshots; you are looking at one of those on the left.

Anyway, thanks to the student (whose identity I am intentionally not revealing) for the email, which I have copied/pasted here .... well, given that I teach only one online class this term, it won't take much to figure out which course "xyz" stands for ....
[GEOGxyz] was unlike any other class I've had at Western. .... Keep up the good work Dr. Khe!

Wish you well,

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